1/48 Bf-109G-6 by Eduard – Day -23

8.4.2014 - 2,837 přečtení


The Brassin cockpit set for the Bf 109G will be released simultaneously with the ProfiPACK kit of the G-6 variant. Within the package, you will find several alternative parts for instrument panel, alternative gunsights, canopy head protection armor, two version of cannon breech housing, etc. The set consists of more than 20 resin parts (including clear resin head armor plate), regular and color photo-etch frets, and decals for the instruments. Assembly of the cockpit unit, and its plug-fit into the plastic fuselage, will run as smoothly as clockwork ;)

Brassin cockpit set

23-a01 23-a02 23-a03 23-a04 23-a05 23-a06 23-a07

Rubrika Eduard, Eduard - Bf 109G-6, Letadla - 1:48, Novinky Eduard | Bez komentářů


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