1/48 Bf-109G-6 by Eduard – Day -29

2.4.2014 - 4,977 přečtení


Boxart is first thing, which is visible on kit in shop, but it could have its own story...



This boxart for the Bf 109G-6 had an unusual development. Originally it was painted in 2000 by the late Martin Novotny, artist of several Eduard boxarts, and then later used in the Eduard catalogue and initial promo of the kit in 2014. The Bf 109G-6 was painted as if looking through a fish-eye lens, so it gave the plane an unusual and dynamic perspective.

Opinions on that effect were divided, even within Eduard. Later, we decided to re-paint the artwork in a more regular style, but retaining the ‘feel’ that Martin achieved.

This was a job for Katerina Borecka, our current main boxart artist. Katerina retouched the original Bf 109G-6, and used the old background, into which she added clouds, and then painted the same plane in a „regular“ perspective. I am sure you’ll agree she made an excellent job, although the task was not easy...

Jan Zdiarsky, Eduard team

-29-01 -29-02 -29-03 -29-04 -29-05

Rubrika Eduard, Eduard - Bf 109G-6, Letadla - 1:48, Novinky Eduard | Bez komentářů


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